A Blacksmither's Story

My journey to blacksmithing starts like many stories, with a youthful wish.
As a kid, the "mystical powers" of a blacksmith dazzled my youthful imaginations as I dreamed of making the sword of all swords. As I would like to believe that I'm not all that weird , I have a hunch that many boys now grown up and those yet still young have been mystified by that same dream of forging that powerful sword. As I grew from small to bigger, I never had that opportunity of swinging a hammer at a piece of glowing red metal. I grew up poor, but mainly without the gumption to make it happen. Despite my lack of initiative, circumstances arose in which I was lead to a place where I was able to learn some of the skills of my youthful wish of blacksmithing. It wasn't on any fancy equipment or in an elaborate shop, instead, it was in the backyard with a homemade forge. With practice, quite a few mess ups, and a past full of crafting with my hands, I quickly became skilled at swinging a hammer at some hot metal (which is all blacksmithing is).
So where can you find my shop now? Still in the backyard with a homemade forge. Maybe one day I will be found in a large shop, I honestly hope for it, so that way I can teach more people. However, I will always cherish the backyard blacksmither.
As a kid, the "mystical powers" of a blacksmith dazzled my youthful imaginations as I dreamed of making the sword of all swords. As I would like to believe that I'm not all that weird , I have a hunch that many boys now grown up and those yet still young have been mystified by that same dream of forging that powerful sword. As I grew from small to bigger, I never had that opportunity of swinging a hammer at a piece of glowing red metal. I grew up poor, but mainly without the gumption to make it happen. Despite my lack of initiative, circumstances arose in which I was lead to a place where I was able to learn some of the skills of my youthful wish of blacksmithing. It wasn't on any fancy equipment or in an elaborate shop, instead, it was in the backyard with a homemade forge. With practice, quite a few mess ups, and a past full of crafting with my hands, I quickly became skilled at swinging a hammer at some hot metal (which is all blacksmithing is).
So where can you find my shop now? Still in the backyard with a homemade forge. Maybe one day I will be found in a large shop, I honestly hope for it, so that way I can teach more people. However, I will always cherish the backyard blacksmither.